02 June, 2008

Getting Google AppEngine update script to work behind a HTTP proxy

Google announced that AppEngine is now open to the public! They also announced the pricing for usage beyond the free 5'000'000 pageviews etc, and it seems, hmmm, competitive :). Either way, I had to try it out.

I had a simple app which I had developed locally in the dev environment Google provides, so I decided to upload this to the cloud. A simple ./appcfg.py update MyApp/ should have been all I need to do. However, I am sitting behind a Squid proxy here, so, Google instructs me to set http_proxy in my environment and fire away. I do as Google tells me to do and fail.

Apparently there is a bug in Python's urllib2, when dealing with HTTPS over Squid. Luckily, patch is available here.

What really got me, and is somewhat puzzling to me still, is that I did not manage to get this running even after this step and doing an:

export http_proxy="http://my.proxyserver.com:3128/"

I had to do also:

export https_proxy="http://my.proxyserver.com:3128/"

And only then it worked. However, now that I got the cookie after the initial login, having only http_proxy set seems to be enough.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you needed the extra environment variable on the first run. I wonder if it was some glitch with my setup, or if there is something more sinister and worthy of some digging in the Python libs.



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